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Sydney has seen a recent surge in the amount of apartment buildings hosting more tenants than is legally allowed.

For these “illegal” tenants to gain access to their apartments without authorised fob access, they are turning to the rapidly growing black market to have their fobs reproduced.

Overcrowding article bells access

The majority of apartment buildings still use old, clone-able fob technology and all it takes is a call to someone they know or a search on Gumtree and a tenant can arrange to meet a fob cloner. We have heard that some cloners even offer home delivery service.

Fobs are cloned with a special machine that first reads the data, then writes this data to a fob or white security card.  Generally the cloned fobs or cards are visually different to the original authorised fobs.  Unfortunately access systems cannot differentiate between the cloned and authorised fobs and herein the problem lies.

Most security fobs are clone-able.  More recent high security fobs have not been compromised.  The good news is that some high security fobs have inbuilt mechanisms to defeat future cloning.

Sydney’s apartment buildings are increasingly reviewing their security given these illegal tenancy arrangements.  Installing high security fobs and CCTV systems are helping to solve these issues.  Please contact us if you have a problem with your building’s security.

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Master Security Licence Number: 000101146